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Category Archives: Standards

LOINC – codes for lab tests

Laboratories are one of the most non-standardized components of a hospital information system. It’s a pity because it is also a profit center for most facilities. Even if your lab machines are HL7 compliant (topic of another post), you should still ask whether the system can map to LOINC and if you or the vendor […]

XML — should play a major role in the national health insurance program

More and more, it is increasingly possible for the country to go digital through eXtensible Markup Language (XML). If the government will set the XML schema, then that will allow the hospitals (and developers) to come up with schema-compliant systems that will allow them to submit data to the payor. No names yet.. 🙂

What do you mean? The role of data dictionaries in eHealth

What is an admission? You ask an ER physician and they will say it is when the patient with a stab wound enters the emergency room. Ask the trauma surgeon and they think it’s when they write “Admit to Trauma” on the chart (even if the patient is still physically at the ER). And when […]